Shakira Criticizes ‘Barbie’ Movie: Can Women Be Empowered Without Diminishing Men?

Colombian pop star Shakira recently voiced her disapproval of the Barbie movie featuring Margot Robbie, stating that its message robs me𝚗 of their traditional roles as protectors and providers.

She emphasized the importance of empowering wоme𝚗 without diminishing me𝚗’s masculinity, advocating for a balance between the two.According to Shakira, wоme𝚗 can achieve their goals without losing their femininity, while me𝚗 can maintain their roles in society. She believes in the compleme𝚗tary nature of me𝚗 and wоme𝚗’s roles, asserting that each has its purpose.Shakira’s perspective highlights the need for a society where both genders can thrive without undermining each other.Empowerme𝚗t, she argues, should not come at the expense of emasculating me𝚗. Instead, it should encourage collaboration and unity between genders.As pop culture evolves, Shakira’s words serve as a reminder to celebrate the unique qualities of both femininity and masculinity. True empowerment, she suggests, comes from embracing these differences while working together for a better world.